Thomas Brunold
Credentials: Professor of Chemistry
Chemistry 6211

1997-1999 Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Advisor: Edward I. Solomon
1997 PhD in Chemistry, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland. Advisor: Hans U. Güdel
1993 Diploma in Chemistry, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland. Advisor: Hans U. Güdel
Honors and Awards
Taylor Teaching Award, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin (2024)
Division of University Housing’s Honored Instructors Award (2009 – 2023)
Kellett Mid-Career Award (2020)
Distinguished Honors Faculty Award (2019)
Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award (2018)
Inaugural E. Ambrose White Lecturer, University of Kansas, Lawrence (2012)
Vilas Associate Award (2012)
Graduate Student Faculty Liaison Committee Mentor Award (2009)
Romnes Award, University of Wisconsin – Madison (2009)
Alfred Werner Award, Swiss Chemical Society (2003)
Sloan Foundation Fellow (2003)
NSF-CAREER Award (2003)
Research Corporation Innovation Award (2000)
Theodor Kocher Award, University of Bern, Switzerland (2000)
Faculty Award for PhD Thesis, University of Bern, Switzerland (1997)